Research Areas

Despite what research traditions expect, I am a highly eclectic researcher. My research interests span a large area from organization studies, entrepreneurship to qualitative research methods. I also joined various applied psychology, human resources and operations research projects in the past.
I am always open to learn more.

Publications at
Books and Journals

Ongoing Research

Graduate Students 
Past & Present

Open Thesis and Dissertation Topics


I am making my course outlines and videos available online

You can find my course materials, reading lists, recommended book lists in each course and possibly my course videos online. Adding constantly, so check back soon if you cannot find what you are looking for.

Teaching Cases

I have written a number of case studies with my colleagues. I am also planning to develop more multimedia cases about startups. You can find them here. If you think your case is interesting and includes learning objectives , please contact me.

iGaranti: Expanding the frontiers of mobile banking innovation

The iGaranti ad featured a Turkish pop singer and celebrity, Mr. Mazhar Alanson, in a Steve Jobs–style-black turtleneck as he held a chemistry lab tube half filled with mercury and introduced iGaranti as someone who cares about your money more than you do. Branding charm or operational basics?

In December 2015, the founder of TazeDirekt, a loved online grocery e-tailer brand announced that plans for the year 2016 involved 700% growth in Turkey. However, only a few months later, in February 2016, news broke of the sudden closure …

Diageo in Turkey: The Lion’s Milk vs. global spirits 

Diageo, one of the world’s spirits giants, acquired a leading Turkish spirits company, Mey Icki for $2.11 billion from TPG Capital, a U.S. private-equity firm in 2011. The acquisition gave Diageo a large market share (72%), in addition to means of access to a comprehensive …

Arçelik developing a digital twin with Simularge

Refrigerators constitute 35% of Arçelik’s annual production. Integrating a digital twin into its production planning and management, it has initially saved 1600 tons of plastic each year, with a value exceeding $2 million while improving its environmental impact.

Accelerating Startups

I am a proud co-founder of ITU Cekirdek, Turkey’s best university incubator ranked among the Top 10 incubators in the world in 20xx and Top 5 incubators in the world in 20xx by UBI Index. Now, I am taking a more personalized approach on accelerating startups. 

ınvestor referrals

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customer development

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busıness model testıng

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team buıldıng

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Helping Enterprises to Innovate

Change is not an easy task for large enterprises. For many, it is even impossible. With startup collaboration, organizational buffering and restructuring you may navigate the change.

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Mentored Startups

I worked with many great cofounders in making their startup better. With some of them, we had a more ongoing relationship. You can find them and their testimonials here.

Startup 2
Startup 3
Startup 4
Startup 5
Startup 6
Startup 7

Startup Testimonials

I am not impartial. I am proud to work for startups’ real interests. 

“Deniz has been a significant mentor to us in Teleporter with his strategic thinking, revenue and traction oriented mindset, business development skills and B2B marketing expertise. He is always easy to communicate with, focusing on solutions rather than problems, passionate about global growth, and a real hard worker, looking for similar qualifications in the teams he works together.”

Dilara Keçeci & Aslan Yerdelen

Teleporter VR

“Professional and straightforward. Deniz is an excellent mentor with a great experience. He has a wealth of information to share both in relation to his own business background and also the wider world of startups. He is committed to helping people who have a real desire set up and run their own businesses. He has provided valuable support to us with a non-judgmental listening ear.”

Güven Hanege

Do you sometimes have the feeling that you’re running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts have the same feel to them, like “Hey, I think I’ve been here before”

John Doe

Company name

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Graduate Students and Alumni

I am proud of my graduate students. You can find and follow them here with the title of
their dissertation (PhD) or thesis (MS & MA).

Kutay Güneştepe

Postdoc researcher at the University of Bath

Ph.D. 2019

Materiality in Doing: Sociomaterial Practices & Power Mechanisms in Institutional Change

Elif Çelik

Lecturer at Technische Universiteit Delft

Ph.D. (cont.)

Understanding Entrepreneurship Ecosystems and the Versions of Capitalism

Berker Köktener

Senior Product Manager at KPMG International

Ph.D. (cont)

Boundaries and Identities in Professional Service Firms

Merve Arıoğlu

Sales & Marketing Specialist at

Ph.D. (cont.)

The Process of Hybridization in Organizations

Yunis İsmayil

Senior Expert a İTÜ ARI Teknokentt

Ph.D. (cont)

Strategy-making in the early stage startups

Zehra Topal

Human Resources Specialist at Tridi

Ph.D. (cont.)

Organizationality and Partial organizations

Uğur Yetkin


Ph.D. (cont.)

Immigrant Entrepreneurship

Hakan Erten

Founder at NovaNora Consulting

Ph.D. (cont.)

Startup & enterprise collaboration

Furkan Eravcı


M.A. Management, 2021

Unicorns of the same feather: Developing a typology of extremely-high valued startups

Latest Macroscope

Sometimes I write blog posts and more daily commentaries titled as “Macroscope”.Please find recent samples here.

Yatırım Yoksa Ne Yapmalı? verilerine göre Türkiye’de geçtiğimiz Ocak ayında son 10 ayın en düşük filiz girişim (startup) yatırım miktarı gerçekleşti. Özellikle erken aşamada, melek yatırımcı ve erken aşama fon kaynaklı yatırımların azalması, girişimler için önemli bir zorluğu barındırıyor.Girişimcilerimiz az kaynakla çok iş başarmak konusunda […]
Girişimlerden Büyük Şirketlere İş Modeli Analizi ve Tasarımı İş modelleri, bir kuruluşun başarısı için hayati öneme sahiptir. Bu, sadece startup’lar için geçerli değil; büyük şirketler için de aynı derecede önemlidir. İş modeli, bir şirketin değer önerisini, hedef pazarını ve kar elde etme yöntemlerini tanımlar. Bu model, […]
Hayaller ve gerçeğin arasını akılla doldurmak  “Halen ne hızda büyüyorsunuz? Bu büyümeyi nasıl sağlıyorsunuz? Yatırım alınca daha hızlı büyümeyi nasıl sağlayacaksınız? Bu hız artışı nasıl mümkün olacak. Yatırımdan sonra bu artışı gerçekleştirmek için ürünlerinizin son müşterisine ulaşmasını kolaylaştıracak, hızlandıracak mekanik, organizasyonel, sosyal, finansal değişikliği kısa sürede […]

contact information

write me or contact me on my social media